Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Message

YAY!  I got home early and was able to get this blog done a lot earlier than normal.  I like this character that I created and may have to file her away for future use.  I hope you enjoy, day 14 of the 31 day writing challenge.

Prompt – While at the grocery store, your character halts in front of the magazine display. They are placed so the largest letter on each cover is arranged in a message – what does it say? What are the words they can’t ignore?

Kono strolled through the market pushing her basket distractedly throwing items in her cart.  Roaming the aisles, she kept glancing at her watch.  Realizing she had just two more minutes, she started towards the front of the store.  Glancing around the store, it was fairly empty for 3:28 on a Wednesday afternoon.  She would have preferred to have more people around to make her less noticeable but she was good at not standing out.  Checking the time again, she saw that it was time.  Heading to the magazine stand, she stood casually as if she was just deciding on what magazine she wanted.  Taking out her cell phone she carefully snapped several pictures of the display.  Checking the qualities of the pictures, she grabbed a magazine randomly off the rack and threw it in her cart.  She knew better than to look around now, the bearer of the message would not want to be seen, that was part of the arrangement.  Placing her items on the conveyor belt, she tried not to be impatient.  Pulling the cash out of her pocket, she quickly paid for her items and headed for her car.  Putting her bags in the back seat, she got in quickly and drove away.  She headed for the local mall, knowing she could get lost in the parking garage ensuring she wasn’t followed.  Finding a spot, she pulled out her phone and began to inspect the pictures.  She quickly realized that the magazines had been arranged to give her the address of her pickup.  Looking up the address, she saw that it was only about twenty minutes away.  She smiled to herself and backed out of the spot, heading home.  Once home, she threw the bags on the table and pulled out her computer.  Utilizing her computer skills, she pulled up satellite images of the pickup spot.  Finding all of her exits, she also realized that there had to have been something else in the message that she missed.  Pulling her cell phone out, she connected it to her computer and pulled the pictures up.  Blowing the image up she saw what she had missed, the only words visible at the bottom of the last magazine said bottom of the box.  Going back to the satellite images, she saw the mailbox and new that would be where she would find the name of her target.  Changing her clothes, she headed to her garage and pulled out a set of New Jersey plates, squatting down she switched the plates on her car.  Sliding in to the driver seat, she headed out to find out who her buyer had paid her a million dollars to kill.

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