Saturday, January 25, 2014

Ever Have One of THOSE Days?

You know the days where you don't want to be bothered with anyone or anything?  Seriously, Thursday was that day.  I woke up and I didn't want to get up.  I didn't want to go to work and I CERTAINLY DID NOT WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL.  I didn't want to see anyone and I didn't want to talk to anyone.  I wanted to stay in my bed and do absolutely nothing.  And before any smartass asks, there was no depression, pms, bad weather, or anything involved.  I just wanted to opt out of the day.  I didn't of course, I got up and got ready and went to school.

Now these feelings were intensified because I wasn't prepared for the day.  I had fallen asleep the night before and hadn't finished my homework.  So after I got to school I spent my free moments before my first class finishing an assignment that was due that day and trying to read some of what I had neglected the night before but my heart was not in it.  I finished the assignment but I am sure I could have done it better.  My first class is relatively "easy" when compared with the other two classes I am taking so it wasn't so bad.  However, my second class and especially my third class, I spent a good portion of it staring at the professor like a stupid person because my brain was not computing what was coming out of his mouth.  I could hear and see what was going on but I was not understanding a damn thing and I most certainly was not retaining anything that was being said.  I kept looking around the class and thinking am I the only one that is hopelessly confused.  It appeared that I was and that didn't help my mood.  *sigh*  I sucked it up and made it through all three classes and then headed to work but I swear I am not sure that I got anything done while I was there either.  It was bad.  Maybe waking up feeling that way is God's way of saying keep your butt in bed.  I wish I was still the irresponsible girl from college all those years ago that would have just chunked Thursday the finger and gone back to sleep but I'm not. 

SO what did I do?  I made it through with minimal damage.  I came home (and by this time the weather sucked balls) and I had hot chocolate and got in my bed.  Friday was a good day.  I guess we have to just make it through those days and count our blessings (well I do) that those days are few and far between because frankly my gpa can not take many days like that this semester.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

See this is why we don't call them resolutions!

Yup so if anyone is actually keeping track of what I said in my last blog then you realize that I have already "broken" one of my goals for this year...well actually two.  But you know that is how life works.  This is why I don't call these things resolutions.  I know many people make resolutions and then beat themselves up or get completely derailed when they don't stick with it.  However, in all of the infinite wisdom that I have gained in the last couple of years I have realized that in order to succeed I can't beat myself up for every little thing that doesn't go as planned.  So yup I confess I didn't blog last week and I didn't get an hour of exercise in either.  I could pile up the excuses about why I didn't do those things but they would be just that excuses.  What I have done is put it behind me and moved on.  I started logging my food again this week and it feels good to do that....almost like I am getting my life back in order.  I started school this week too and man oh man it is going to be a doozy of a semester.  So I am pretty sure that you guys (well if there are any "you guys" reading this) will probably get a blog or two or twenty dealing with school problems and also ideas that carry over from school onto this blog.  I will spend the next three and a half months with my nose stuck in a book and more than likely my butt parked in a library chair.  I have two research classes and with those two classes come two very long papers that I have to addition to required blogging, papers, tests, and well all the super fun reading that goes with being an English and History major at a four year university.  I will also sometime in the very very near future be applying to grad school and then sweating out the answer on that one.  So needless to say it will be a long but hopefully interesting spring.

SO back to the whole resolutions thing, since I have clearly wandered....I think the most important thing for success is to never lose sight of the end goal.  That is what I am applying to school and this semester and that is what I am applying to several of my year long goals.  I have an end in sight for them and even if I misstep along the way I can still get to where I want and need to be.  I just have to be kind to myself (after all who else will do it?) and remember the ultimate goal.  These aren't things that are whim decisions these are goals that will help me be a better me.  So on that note I will bid y'all adieu and hit the books.  I mean hell in three and a half months I will have TWO diplomas in my hand and I want a kick ass gpa to go right along with them!

Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year blah blah blah

No this isn't one of those YAY! new year new me blogs.  This isn't to bash people that do the new year new me thing but I have found that making the stereotypical resolutions just doesn't work for me.  I do have some things that I want to work on this year but I don't consider them resolutions...instead they are goals for the year.  This may just be splitting hairs but I think resolutions are usually open-ended and don't give true and believable time frames for these achievement.  So in the end they don't really work....well not for me anyway. So here it no particular order....these are some of the goals that I have for myself for this year.  I am offering them up to the internet gods and whoever happens to read them.  I will blog (probably not frequently enough) on my success or failures regarding these goals.

1.  Lose 100 lbs by 12/31/2014 - I know this is a completely achievable goal but I will probably break it down into smaller shorter goals that will help keep me motivated.

2.  Attend church at least once a month.  I know I know I should go every Sunday but I think this is a more reasonable and achievable goal for me.  So baby steps towards salvation.

3.  Make and keep one girl's night a month.  I have a tendency to ignore my friends during school and I need these nights out to decompress and just feel normal.

4.  Exercise for at least one hour a week.  Considering that I have not been exercising at all this won't be the easiest to keep but it is important to achieving #1.

5.  Go to Memphis and visit my Dad and bonus Mom once before June and one more time before December 31st.

6.  Plan and take a vacation.  The plan is for a road trip in May or June and hopefully that will work out.

7.  Get at least a 3.5 GPA for my final semester of undergrad studies at UofH.

8.  Family date/game night once a month.  Just like my friends, my family usually get the shaft during school...sooooo they should get equal billing.

9.  Blog at least once a week.

10.  Finish my book by September 1, 2014.

There are a couple of others but these are the main goals for me.  Like I said I will set mini goals within some of these larger goals but this is it.  So they are out there and I can't take them back.  Now I just have to get on the ball and start working towards them.  So if you are reading this...what are your goals for 2014?