Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Close Escape

Like anything else, this is definitely something that takes work and commitment.  I find myself at times, thinking of making excuses about why I can't do the blog tonight (rather pathetic when I am only on day six) but I keep making myself log on to the computer and do it anyway.  I probably didn't pick the greatest month to decide to do a 31 day writing challenge but I did and despite long hours at work, illness, and the general I don't wannas I am going to stick with it.  I am going to look for a few that take some more thought and effort to do soon but for now, here is day 6 of the 31 day writing challenge.

Prompt: Describe your getaway from the scene of a crime.

I stand in the shadows, breathless at what I have just witnessed.  Did I really just see that?  Easing my cell phone out of my pocket, I try to capture a picture of the criminal.  I quietly step further back into the shadows, my heart is hammering so loud I swear he has to be able to hear it.  For some reason my mind is clear enough to worry about my phone giving me away, so I quickly silence the ringer.  Staring at the killer groping around the body, I realize it is just a matter of time before he makes his escape.  I need to move and quickly.  Backing away, I am afraid to turn my back to him, I inch further and further up the street.  When I think I may be far enough away to turn my back safely, I turn and run.  Glancing back, I see no one.  Heart hammering, I look around and still see no one.  How is it possible that there is NO ONE around?  In a city this size and every person is somewhere else now?  My heart is in my throat as I glance back and realize that there is someone after all and they are moving swiftly towards me.  I break out into a full sprint, the air is ripping out of my lungs, and I am not sure how much longer I can go.  The blood rushes in my ears and I cannot distinguish my footsteps from the others.  I see lights ahead and pray to God that there are people.  I chance a glance back and see that the figure is closer.  I round the corner and see my salvation; a couple is getting out of a taxi.  I run full tilt, knowing that this maybe my last chance.  Throwing myself into the back of the cab, I yell an address at the startled driver.  I lean back my lungs screaming for air, I feel the bile rise in my throat.  I slowly turn and see the face of the killer as he turns the corner, eyes locking on to mine.

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