Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Some of What I am Thankful For....

I have spent a lot of time the last few months focusing on what is wrong in my life.  To be honest, it has been a challenge.  Major changes at work have filtered into all aspects of my life.  However, I have to stop focusing on what is wrong in my life and start realizing just how blessed my life truly is.  Now I am not going to paint my life to be some fairytale but if I really think about it I have much more to be thankful for than to complain about.  So here it goes a list of a few things that I have to be thankful for.

1.   I woke up today.  Not just woke up but I have no major health problems.
2.   I have a home that I own.  Not just a house but a home.
3.   I have a job.  It may not be my dream job but I have a really good job that pays well.
4.   Speaking of money, I have the money to live a comfortable life.  I can pay my bills, provide food, electricity, cell phone, cable, etc.  There are many people that see things beyond basics as luxuries but for me they are basics.
5.   I have all of my mental faculties.  I am not saying this to be funny but this is something that I am truly thankful for daily.  I love to learn and it would not be possible without this.
6.   I have a truly amazing and supportive family.  These are people that I would want to be friends with even if we weren't related.
7.   I have friends that love me like family.  People that I know have my back no matter what.
8.   I have a crazy supportive support system.  The kind that when I say hey I kinda started writing a novel, they respond with you can do isn't crazy at is really should try to publish. 
9.   I have a guy that knows me, the real me, and still cares. 
10. I am so close to reaching a goal I can almost taste it.  May 9, 2014 I graduate from college with a double BA in History and English.
11.  I have a cat that I adore.  May sound crazy to some people but I love pets, they are family, so yes I am thankful for my baby Flower.
12.  I have had the chance to travel and see wonderful and new things.
13.  I have met people that inspire me to be a better person. 
14.  I have the freedom to believe what I want, say what I want, and pray to who I want. 
15.  I may have said it before but my family and friends.  I am the person that I am today because of them.  My immediate, extended, and bonus families are all blessings and my friends.  Seriously everyone should have as wonderful friends as I do. 

These are just a few and there are tons of little things that I am thankful for, like:  coffee, sweet tea, chocolate, air conditioning, my cat, smart phones, books, turkey (I really love turkey), writing, books, random texts, laughing until I cry with my bestie, making up stories with my sister, listening to the wind in the leaves, feeling sunshine on my face, football, books, comfy jeans, laughing, and did I say books?

I hope that everyone takes a minute to stop and think of the blessings they have in their lives.  I bet more than one of you reading this, I consider a blessing in mine.

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