I am not sure exactly why but Kelly has been on my mind so much lately. Perhaps it is Valentine's Day or Lent or her upcoming birthday but I just keep thinking of all of the memories I have of her. I met Kelly in 1997 at Gibbs House at Sam Houston. She was my suitemate and before long became my friend. We were both CJ majors, she was a grad student and I was an undergrad, and we used that to form a bond. Kelly was that friend, you know, the one that was a little more socially conscious, a little more politically conscious, and compared to the rest of us, a lot more responsible. We met after her, as she called it, wild days. The Kelly I knew was a loving, smart, funny, supportive, dedicated, and loyal friend. If you were lucky enough to be allowed to get to know the real Kelly then you had the privilege of getting a genuine friend. I said that Valentine's Day reminds me of Kelly and it does. I remember having conversations with her about Valentine's Day and consumerism. I had never seen it that way. Kelly's philosophy was we should let those we know what they mean to us everyday and not just because it was some preset, pre-programmed consumer holiday. And you know what, she was right. However, she followed this up by giving us all "non-Valentine's Day gifts" on Valentine's Day. Kelly was funny like that.
Lent reminds me of Kelly because she was the first non-Catholic person I have ever met that participated in Lent. When we talked about it, she told me that with everything that Jesus had done to redeem her soul, the least she could do was give up something (usually bread) for Lent. Ahhh, bread, it is strange how something like that can remind you of a person but bread certainly reminds me of Kelly. Well, bread and I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray butter. I have never met a person that loved bread as much as Kelly. It was comical to see her make her run to Wally World (Walmart for those that don't know) at just the right time to get that hot, fresh French bread. And yes, she knew just when they put out the fresh baked bread. With her ever ready bottle of spray butter, she was a happy girl.
As I write this, I am flooded with other memories and images of Kelly. Shopping with her at the Salvation Army as she prepared for prison guard boot camp, sitting next to her at church on Easter Sunday, laughing with her at my sister's apartment, going with her to pick up her first new car, dragging her to a Garth Brooks concert with me, hugging her as we both cried for a beloved professor that had lost his son, sitting next to her on the front steps of Gibbs House and making fun of the sorority girls, going with her to donate her old car to the local homeless shelter, laughing as she organized the Sonic happy hour run, talking to her late into the night about life and family. I really could just go on and on. Because of Kelly I did learn to look at life differently. I learned to have a little more faith in myself. I learned to love those around me more (or maybe to just show it more). I learned to be more socially conscious. I think I learned to be a better person because of Kelly.
I wish that we had stayed in better contact after I graduated but as so often happens with college friends, time and distance separated us and life happened. One of the last times I saw her was the day she graduated with her Masters degree. We kept in sporadic touch and we had even talked about trying to see each other this summer when I made a trip to the east coast but now that won't happen. I am left with my memories of Kelly and that will have to do for now. I know that I will see her again but for now I will keep her memory alive in my own way. I will continue my Lent tradition (which I started in college because of her). I will add bread to what I give up every year in her honor. I will tell those I love that I love them and not just because it is Valentine's Day. I will make a wish and say a prayer for her on her birthday (which happens to be the day before mine). I will follow my dreams and do my best to be a better person because I know that she would want that for me.
So to any of Kelly's family or friends that may read this, I extend my love and sympathy. Her life and her memory mean something still. Kelly, you made a difference in this world and in my life, more than I think you will every know. My only regret is that I didn't get to tell you that. I love you and I miss you my sweet friend.
Until we meet again~
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