You know the days where you don't want to be bothered with anyone or anything? Seriously, Thursday was that day. I woke up and I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to go to work and I CERTAINLY DID NOT WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL. I didn't want to see anyone and I didn't want to talk to anyone. I wanted to stay in my bed and do absolutely nothing. And before any smartass asks, there was no depression, pms, bad weather, or anything involved. I just wanted to opt out of the day. I didn't of course, I got up and got ready and went to school.
Now these feelings were intensified because I wasn't prepared for the day. I had fallen asleep the night before and hadn't finished my homework. So after I got to school I spent my free moments before my first class finishing an assignment that was due that day and trying to read some of what I had neglected the night before but my heart was not in it. I finished the assignment but I am sure I could have done it better. My first class is relatively "easy" when compared with the other two classes I am taking so it wasn't so bad. However, my second class and especially my third class, I spent a good portion of it staring at the professor like a stupid person because my brain was not computing what was coming out of his mouth. I could hear and see what was going on but I was not understanding a damn thing and I most certainly was not retaining anything that was being said. I kept looking around the class and thinking am I the only one that is hopelessly confused. It appeared that I was and that didn't help my mood. *sigh* I sucked it up and made it through all three classes and then headed to work but I swear I am not sure that I got anything done while I was there either. It was bad. Maybe waking up feeling that way is God's way of saying keep your butt in bed. I wish I was still the irresponsible girl from college all those years ago that would have just chunked Thursday the finger and gone back to sleep but I'm not.
SO what did I do? I made it through with minimal damage. I came home (and by this time the weather sucked balls) and I had hot chocolate and got in my bed. Friday was a good day. I guess we have to just make it through those days and count our blessings (well I do) that those days are few and far between because frankly my gpa can not take many days like that this semester.
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