Friday, November 15, 2013

So What's The Problem?

I was talking to a friend this week about giving advice.  You know it is "easy" to talk to someone and hear their problems and give them advice.  It is easy to see the hidden nuances of someone else's life and give them really good and sound advice.  So the question is....why oh why is it so hard to do the same to our own life?

Why do we find it so hard to look at the flaws in our own lives and follow our own advice?  I am not saying we should dwell on the negatives of life but if we have a problem, why can we understand and see the solution for someone else and not ourselves?  Is it that we don't want to believe our problem is as bad as someone else or is it that we just can't implement the changes we know we need to make?  I have talked and talked and given advice on jobs, relationships, family, health, etc to others BUT I just can not seem to implement that in my own life.  I know I am not alone in this.

I have a very blessed life.  I have a good job that pays well.  I own my own home.  I have money to pay my bills.  I have a wonderful family that loves and supports me.  I have great friends.  I am truly blessed.  This does not mean I live a charmed life.  I have my own problems.  I have things that I can and should change, that would only increase my happiness, but I just can't seem to make those changes.  I let life and excuses get in the way.  I always think, "I will start that tomorrow" or "I will try that next time."  When will tomorrow or next time be now?  When will I start short changing myself and my happiness?

I don't have these magical answers.  I guess when it comes to things I want to change or take control of I should follow my own advice and do one thing at a time.  I honestly don't know if anyone is or will read these blogs and if they do if they will even be able to follow my train of thought.  I think I will just use them with the belief that someone is reading them and agreeing with me.  Someone else out there feels like this.  Does this help?  Not sure but I am going to write and write and perhaps along the way I will find the answers.  Somewhere along the way I will stop making it tomorrow and start making it today. 

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