Saturday, January 17, 2015

Awkward Reunion

So I missed posting last night because I was sick. I know life happens but I really wanted to post every day.  I will be posting twice today to get back on track.  Here is the post that I was going to do last night.  I hope you enjoy day 16 of the 31 day writing challenge.

Prompt: “Maybe I just don’t find you funny.”

Nick took a swig of his beer as his old friends began to laugh.  Looking at the gathered guys, he could see the changes that the last few years had taken on all of them.  They didn’t look like boys anymore but looked like men.  Guess that is what happens when you leave home and head out on the next step, for some it had been college, others enlistment, and a couple like him, it had been life.  He had decided that what he needed was to see what the world had to offer before he decided what he wanted to do next.  He had worked all during high school and for a year after, saving everything that, he could.  With the blessings of his parents, he set off to explore.  The two years he spent traveling the world had changed him in more ways than just his physical appearance.  He realized now that collectively he and his friends had been assholes and looking at them now, he knew that he wouldn’t be doing this again.  He got up to get another beer, asking if anyone wanted anything.  Pulling beers, he headed back out.  Resuming his seat, he glanced over at Chad.  How did he never notice before what an asshole he was?  Even his eyes looked small and mean and everything that had come out of his mouth this evening had been a joke at someone else’s expense.  “Dude, what the fuck is your problem?”  Chad snarled at him, catching him staring at him.  “What do you mean?”  Nick calmly replied.  “You have been sitting over there hardly talking to anyone and not laughing at anything,” Chad barked.  “Maybe I just don’t find you funny anymore,” Nick stated.  “Oh so you think you are better than us now is that it Mr. World Traveler?”  “No, I just know that I no longer have anything in common with you.  That doesn’t mean I think I am better, just different.  People change, I am sure that I am not the only one here that has changed but it appears that you haven’t changed at all,” Nick replied getting up.  “I am not trying to be a dick but I don’t think I belong here anymore.”  “You are a dick, always have been and always will be,” Chad growled. Nick threw his beer in the trash and headed for the front door.  Just as he made it outside, he heard footsteps behind him turning he saw Aaron.  “Look I don’t want to argue with anyone,” Nick sighed.  “No it isn’t that, ummm…well there were a couple of us talking and we want to get together without Chad.  We thought it might be fun to get all the guys together again like high school but yeah, you are right.  We have changed and he hasn’t changed at all,” Aaron replied quietly.  “I will text you and let you know when we are going to meet up in case you want to come,” Aaron said turning to go back inside.  “Yeah, I just might do that.”  Nick headed down the sidewalk and walked back to his parent’s house.  It was nice to know that there was hope for some of his old friendships.

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