Monday, January 26, 2015

Strange Noise

No ramblings tonight, here is day 26 of the 31 day writing challenge.

Prompt (Random First Line): Was it a knock that had woken her?

Was it a knock that had woken her? Delilah lay in bed and listened. She heard something again but was sure this time that it wasn’t a knock; it seemed more like a scratching. She rolled over, trying to chalk it up to her tabby but her senses were on alert and she couldn’t relax. Rolling back on her back, she glared up at the ceiling. She couldn’t hear anything, so damn it why couldn’t she go back to sleep? Glancing at the clock, she saw that it was just after one in the morning. Sitting up, she heard the strange noise again but this time it was louder and closer. What the hell? She reached for her phone and opened her security app, checking the cameras she couldn’t see anyone moving around but that was definitely not her cat. Reaching into her bedside drawer, she retrieved her Glock and took the safety off. Checking the cameras again, she slid her phone into her pocket and moved quietly towards her bedroom door. Easing it open, she stepped into her living room and stood for a moment, allowing her eyes to acclimate to the room and to listen for any more noises. She walked towards her alarm controls and verified that everything was set. Peering out of the window, she thought she saw movement but then nothing. Easing through the living room, she headed down the short hall towards the kitchen/dining area. As soon as she set foot in the kitchen, she heard the noise again coming loudly from her back door. Moving swiftly towards the noise, she was ready to figure out what this nonsense was and get back to bed. Peering out of the blinds, she found the source of the noise, there was a raccoon scrounging on her back porch. Relieved, she reached over, disarmed her alarm, unlocked the door, and opened the door. Turning to shoo away the raccoon, she found herself staring into the eyes of a man and then everything went black.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Getaway

I am a little sad and a little relieved that this challenge is almost over. In one sense I am relieved because I am going to have to hit the books (school started last week) and fitting in both is not going to be easy. I am sad too because I have enjoyed flexing my creative muscles. I think that the habit of blogging all of this time has made me realize how much I do enjoy it and I know that I will definitely be doing this a lot more regularly than I had in the past.  I also have a book written by an incredibly inspiring man that I am thinking that I want to base another writing challenge around. I am not sure when I am going to do that but I will definitely put it on the calendar for sometime this year.  Anyway, enough is day 25 of the 31 day writing challenge.

Prompt (Random First Line): There had been many theories about how she had been murdered

There had been many theories about how she had been murdered but none of them was right since she wasn’t even dead. Rene closed the paper, reached up and smoothed her straight black hair, and thought about the article. So everyone still thought she was dead, this was good. It also looked like the police was convinced it was a murder, this was an unfortunate side effect to her plan, but it was too late to go back now. She knew that what she was doing was what had to be done but it didn’t stop that pain that she felt or the pain she was causing. She had gotten in over her head and the best way to protect everyone was to simply disappear. Hopefully, those that she had been involved with were as convinced of her death as the police. She hadn’t heard any whispers that they were looking but she had to be diligent. Stay under the radar, this is what was important. She picked up her bag and headed to the car. Like everything else in her life right now, the car was plain, generic, and completely forgettable. She headed south, knowing that she needed to put distance between her and her old life. She just had to be black haired Rene Johnson until she got to St. Louis. Once she got there, she could pick up her next identity. She hated burning through so many identities but she knew that the constant change was important if she wanted to stay safe. Getting on the highway, she had a feeling this was not going to be the last time she saw New Jersey. The trip was long and on the surface uneventful. She had the nagging feeling that there was something that wasn’t right but she wasn’t being followed. She made sure that when she checked on her old life, she did it from public places that would be hard to trace. The police seemed to be unable to determine a motive but had several suspects for her alleged murder. She knew whom she hoped they nailed it on but she figured the case would go cold. Trying to read between the lines, she didn’t see any murmurs that she was alive. The tricky part was when she hacked into the email accounts. Lots of messages but nothing that caused alarm for her, on the surface maybe it was the lack of reaction that was causing the unease and sleepless nights. Logging off the computer, she returned to her car and sat. She had a couple of more hours until she got to St. Louis and she was tired. Deciding that she wanted to try for sleep, she found motel and checked into a room. Setting up a few safety precautions as soon as she got in the room, she took a hot shower, and lay on the bed. Turning on her disposable cell, she heard the chime associated with a text message and her heart stopped. Reading the message she felt her blood run cold and finally had her answer, they knew she wasn’t dead and the hunt was on.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

First Date

So I flexed my creativity in a new way today, I got to paint. I went to one of those wine and painting places (without the wine) and had a great time. I also decided to change my painting from the "example" and to make something that was me.  I can say without a doubt that I will be doing that again!  Anyway, here is day 25 of the 31 day writing challenge.

Prompt (Random First Line): He was older than she’d expected him to be

He was older than she’d expected him to be she thought to herself as she approached the table. She really hadn’t paid much attention to his age on his profile but now she wondered. His brown eyes sparkled with flecks of green and gold and his smile, that smile was warm and sexy at the same time. She felt that while he may be older than she thought, so far she was willing to break her ten-year age limit rule. He rose from the table and greeted her with a hug. Man, oh man did her smell good. Smiling to herself, she smoothed her skirt behind her as she sat and he slid the chair for her. Hmmm so, he has manners too, that was a definite plus. He returned to his chair and the waiter appeared, taking the drink order and discretely disappearing again. Blushing, she ducked her eyes but could feel his eyes on her. “What?” she murmured. “You are even more beautiful in person than in your pictures. Really, the pictures don’t do you justice.” She saw the sincerity in his eyes and felt her blush deepen. Normally she would make some flippant comment but she just couldn’t bring herself to do that to him. “Thank you,” she stammered. “Sorry, I am not very good at taking compliments. I normally do my best to brush them off.” His smile widened and he chuckled, “I had a feeling because of the blush. Well, you should be complimented every day.” She could see the humor in his eyes and she felt herself relax. Fighting the urge to stick out her tongue, she asked him the first random question that came to mind. “So, tell me something that you have always wanted to do but haven’t done yet.” Ok, so that wasn’t a completely horrible question she thought. Not too generic but not too intimate, it gave him the opportunity to be as open as he wanted.  She studied the menu, in between stealing glances at him. She felt like a teenager because his presence was enthralling. It had been a long time since she had met any person that had this much magnetism and she wasn’t sure what it was that was so compelling. Sure, she was attracted to him but she wasn’t young and naive so she knew that she had to base it on more than the physical. He smiled and with a wicked glint in his eye replied, “Well, I would like to do you and I haven’t done that yet.” She almost choked on her water and couldn’t help the hysterical laughter that erupted from her. She also couldn’t hide the blush that crept up either. He laughed and she settled in for what she felt was going to be a very interesting evening.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Never Prepared

There is a small bit in this that is me. My Grandmother has been on my mind (more than usual) because next week marks five years since she passed away and her birthday is in February as well. She was 97 when she passed away and she was ready to go and I thought I was prepared for her passing but I wasn't prepared. Much like Lessa, no matter what I told myself I couldn't get past the hole. I still feel that emptiness, times like this it is more pronounced than others. I would give almost anything to feel her arms around me again and see her gentle smile. I actually have tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat as I type. While my rational mind tells me one thing, my heart has its own agenda. So here is day 23 of the 31 day writing challenge.

Prompt (Random First Line): There was nothing left of the money except

There was nothing left of the money except for the $2000 to cover the cremation.  Lessa was not sure how it had happened because she had been watching every dime. Going back over the accounts, she checked and rechecked the activity but everything looked legit.  Taking her glasses off she scrubbed her hands across her face and began to massage her temples. It had been easier to channel her grief into this activity than to think about the hole in her heart. Pushing her emotions back into their box, she gathered up the last of the bills and the checks she had written to pay them, stood, and stretched. Strolling over to her purse, she put them inside, and pulled out the picture that was partially exposed. Looking down, she just stared at the smiling, happy face and couldn’t stand that she would never get to see that face in person again. She thought she was prepared for this moment but when it happened, she realized that there was no way to be prepared. She just didn’t realize that emptiness that would settle in her heart and in her soul. It didn’t matter how much she prayed, how much she knew he was at peace now, how much she tried to convince herself that this was for the best, she just wanted to be selfish. She wanted her Paw Paw back. She wanted to hear his gruff laugh and smell that smell that was distinctly him, cedar, tobacco, and fresh earth. She wanted to feel his arms around her as he hugged her tight and reminded her that everything was ok. Running her finger across the picture, she felt the tears begin to slide down her face and knew that the breakdown was coming. Sliding to the floor, she pulled her legs to her chest, wrapped her arms around them, and began to rock back and forth, as she cried. She actually did more than cry, she sobbed, feeling her world coming completely undone. Engulfed in her grief, she was oblivious to everything around her until she felt the tiny hand on her hair. “Mommy, Paw Paw told me to tell you that it was ok. He said you shouldn’t cry anymore.” Startled Lessa looked up at the face of her four-year-old daughter and saw the sincerity in her eyes. “Baby, when did Paw Paw tell you this?” “Just now, he woke me and said you needed a hug. Do you need a hug Mommy?” Grabbing her baby girl, Lessa continued to cry but felt a small glimmer of hope that perhaps she would see her Paw Paw again, someday.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Decisions Decisions

So instead of using a prompt, I just went with something that was rattling around in my head. I hope you enjoy, Day 22 of the 31 day writing challenge.

No prompt – this is just my brain working on its own

Kayla walked up to the door and pulled it open. Breathing deeply, she thought about what she was going to say when she saw him again.  She thought she was over Logan but when she saw his text, she felt all of the feelings welling up inside of her again.  She was probably going to regret this little meeting but what the hell.  Smoothing her hand down her skirt, she spotted him sitting at a table in the corner.  He didn’t see her yet and it gave her a minute to study him.  She got a little bit of satisfaction out of the fact that he looked like shit.  He was noticeably thinner and he sat hunched.  His coal black hair now had some gray at the temples and his dove grey eyes were not as bright.  Small wrinkles had appeared around his eyes and mouth but his eyes were what kept drawing her attention. It wasn’t just that they didn’t shine like she remembered but there seemed to be a depth of sadness in them that pained her.  Despite everything, she didn’t want him to be in pain.  Yes, you dumb girl you do still love him.  He finally looked her way, just as she got to the table.  Rising from his seat, a shadow of a smile passed over his face but was quickly gone.  He looked like he wanted to touch her in some way but realized that she might not appreciate the gesture, so he swept his hand towards the chair opposite his and murmured, “Thank you for coming.”  Doing her best to clap some walls up around herself and her heart, she bruskly replied, “OK, I’m here what do you want to talk to me about?”  Logan realized that he was on limited time and floundered trying to get his words out.  “I am not sure how to begin.  I know there is no way to tak…”  “Look I am not here for an apology.  So don’t waste your time or mine.  What is it you want?”  Logan fiddled with his glass of water.  “Is that vodka?  That was your drink of choice wasn’t it?”  Logan’s eyes snapped up to hers, “No, it isn’t.  I haven’t had a drink since that night.”  Kayla was surprised and did her best to hide it, “Well good for you.  I hope you stick with it.  So, anyway what is it you want?”  Logan kept his eyes fixed on hers, he had heard the caring slip into her voice when she found out he wasn’t drinking anymore.  It wasn’t much but it gave him hope and the courage to say, “What do I want?  Well the short answer?  You.”  Kayla couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped her.  She looked at him and realized that he was serious; he really did want her back.  Getting up from the table, she grabbed her purse, turned, and headed for the door without a word.  As her hands shook, she fumbled in her purse for her keys.  She could hear his footsteps behind her and knew that she was going to have to say something to him. Disarming her alarm, she opened the door to her car, tossed her purse in, and turned to look at him.  “Please, don’t walk away.  Hea…” he stammered.  “Just stop.  I can’t listen to anything from you tonight.  Let me go I need to think.”  Sliding into the car, she saw him reach out to her but she didn’t give him the chance to touch her.  Slamming the door, she started the car and pulled out of her spot heading home.  Driving off, she didn’t make it far before she had to pull over.  She sat in her darkened car, heart racing, and tears rolling down her face.  She wasn’t sure if she was happy or pissed.  She had just gotten over him, over what happened and now it was all flooding back into her. Looks like the question now was, what did she want.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Next Challenge

So I started classes tonight for my spring semester and it was definitely difficult to change gears, come home, and write this blog.  I enjoyed this one, even if it is short. I have a ton of respect for people that do the kinds of jobs that most people couldn't and wouldn't want to do. So here is day 21 of the 31 day writing challenge.

– Prompt (Random First Line): “We’re going to freeze to death!”

“We’re going to freeze to death!”  Stan exclaimed to Adam.  “You do realize we are from Texas.  We are not ready for those kinds of temperatures.”  Adam eyed his friend with disappointment, “I thought you would be up for some adventure.  Didn’t we spend all of high school and most of college talking about trying something new?”    New?  Yes. Crazy?  No.”    Come on, it is only for a couple of months.”    A couple of months, starting in January in Alaska.  Have you even looked at what the temperatures are like at that time?  Seriously dude, you have lost your mind.”    Well, I am going to do it.  I am excited to see what will happen.”  Stan looked at his lifelong friend with great exasperation, “I can tell you what is going to happen.  You are going to end up injuring yourself, probably seriously.  What do you know about crab fishing anyway?  Oh wait, let me guess you have been binge watching Deadliest Catch.  You realize that watching a show is not going to prepare you for what you are about to experience?”    I know but what are the odds that someone I know would end up buying a crab boat?  I mean come on, I feel obligated to give it a try.  So are you in or out?”  Adam demanded.  That sat in silence while Stan contemplated everything.  “I know this is something that you feel compelled to try and while I think you are nuts I say go for it.  As for me, I am going to pass.  I would rather spend my time trying something more my speed.” Adam recognized the determined set to Stan’s chin and knew there was nothing that would get him to change his mind.  He was disappointed but was in no way dissuaded from his decision.  The next hurdle to this was telling his parents.  He knew if Stan took it like that, his parents were going to freak out but you only got one chance at life and he didn’t want to live an ordinary one.  Pulling out his cell phone, he called Charlie and told him that he was in but that Stan was out.  Smiling he listened to his college friend whoop with delight and felt content with his decision.  Now he had a few months to prepare for his new challenge.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

One Shitty Day

Day 20 of the 31 day writing challenge is done and I am glad to be on the downside of this challenge. While it hasn't been hard, it has been difficult at times to force myself into getting this done. So eleven more blogs to go and then I will definitely take a little break but I will definitely continue to blog with a regularity that I have lacked on here since I started.

Prompt (Random First Line) – The accident wasn’t her fault.
The accident wasn’t her fault but it was still going to cost her.  Her karmic balance had definitely been off.  It was as if fate was laughing at her lately.  Kay sighed as she watched as her battered car was loaded onto the tow truck.  Looking back, she saw that the officer was finishing up with the other driver. Catching her eye, he gave her the just a minute gesture and finished writing his tickets.  Kay checked her watch and realized that to add insult to injury she was going to be late to class.  Oh great, first day and I am late that should make a great first impression.  The crunch of gravel brought her attention back and she looked up as Officer Brown approached.  “Well I ticketed him for running a red light, driving without a license, and no insurance.  The report will be filed today and you should be able to get a copy of it for your insurance company tomorrow.  Are you sure you don’t need medical attention?”  Kay pulled her hand down from her neck, “No, it isn’t from the wreck but from stress. Thank you for your help.”  Kay shook hands with Officer Brown and saw her ride had arrived. Practically running to the car, she jerked open the passenger door and plopped into the seat, savoring the blast of cold air.  Her brother looked over at her with exasperation, “I swear sis, it seems like lately if it is going to go wrong it will go wrong.”  Kay laughed a humorless laugh, “Yeah, I was just thinking that myself.  Can you take me to class?”    Yeah it is no problem just text me in time to come back and pick you up.”  Kay arrived at class almost thirty minutes late and was nervous about going in the door.  Easing the door open, she slipped quietly into the back row of seats and pulled her laptop out.  The professor, without missing a beat, brought her a syllabus as he continued to discuss the coming semester.  Realizing that she hadn’t missed any real lecture, she sighed and glanced at what was to come.  Not wanting to piss off her professor anymore on the first day, Kay waited until class was over to text her brother.  Stealing herself, she walked to the front of class and apologized to the professor.  “It is not a problem, I am just glad that you aren’t injured.  Do you have any questions about the syllabus?”  Thanking her lucky stars that he was forgiving, she packed up and headed out to wait for her ride. Unlocking her front door, Kay sloshed in and dropped her bags by the front door.  Since this was the day from hell, it was only fitting that it ended with her being rained on as she waited.  Jumping into the shower, she tried to wash the day away.  Snuggling on her couch with her dinner and a big glass of wine, Kay tried not to think about everything that had been going on lately.  Drinking way more wine and just picking at her dinner, Kay missed her cat.  That seemed to be the first of what had been a rollercoaster of the last couple of months.  She felt like she was living a country song, cat died, boyfriend left, trouble at work, now add a probably totaled car to the mix.  Yeah, it was definitely like a country song, a really really bad country song.  If she had to look on the bright side of things, work was better, but the situation was far from good.  Realizing that a hangover would not make tomorrow any better, Kay got up and put the wine away getting a mug of tea instead.  Finishing her dinner, she decided that moping was not going to make her life better and if she was truthful, she had known that things with Eric were coming to an end.  He simply ended it before she could, not that it would have changed the outcome, but damn it she wanted to be the one that ended it!  Putting her dishes in the dishwasher, she thought you know Scarlett O’Hara may have been on to something, tomorrow was another day.  Giggling to herself, she climbed into bed and hoped and prayed that tomorrow would be better.